Jumamosi, 25 Januari 2014

Scholarship - The University of Manchester for Tanzanians

The University of Manchester is offering four scholarships for full-time master's courses to applicants from Tanzania starting in September 2014. The scholarships cover full tuition fees, return international air fares and living expenses.


The scholarships are aimed at academically excellent, young professionals with work experience. Applicants must:

  • be a resident citizen of Tanzania and have not previously studied abroad;
  • hold a first or upper second class undergraduate degree;
  • have a minimum of two years relevant work experience;
  • be committed to returning home and able to demonstrate his/her potential to make a positive impact on the future of Tanzania;
  • have achieved a grade C in English Language at Tanzania Certificate of Secondary Education level; or, have a minimum IELTS result of 6.5, or a minimum TOEFL result of 88-89. Please note that some programmes may require a higher language qualification so please check the programme website for more details.


Scholarships are available in a wide range of subjects including Engineering, Environment, Medical and Life Sciences, and Textiles.

How to apply

Applications for September 2014 are now open.

It is not necessary to have an offer of admission to apply for the scholarship. Scholarships are only available for the master's courses specified on the list. The deadline for applications is Friday, 28 February. Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered.

Please email equityandmerit@manchester.ac.uk with any enquiries.

Source: http://www.wavuti.com/scholarship-posts.html#ixzz2rP303iow

Jumapili, 12 Januari 2014

Going to MARS and no return

By: Herb Scribner/Deseret News -- About 1,000 people might have to start saying goodbye to their families.

That’s because they could be heading to Mars — and they won’t be coming back.

Earlier this week, Mars One, a non-profit organization looking to establish the first human settlement on the red planet, revealed 1,058 applicants who were chosen as potential future inhabitants of Mars, CBS News reported.

Based in the Netherlands, Mars One is looking to send groups of four out to Mars every two years, starting in 2023, 
CBS reported. Those travelling won’t be able to return to Earth.

And the selection process is far from easy.

“Getting into Harvard might be a cakewalk compared to getting a spot on Mars One's 2024 manned mission to the red planet,” reported ABC News.

More than 200,000 applicants sent in video applications, which were sorted through by a team at Mars One, ABC News reported. Some took the process as a joke — by filming their video in the nude — while others showed off intellect and sophistication, ABC News said.

"We're extremely appreciative and impressed with the sheer number of people who submitted their applications," said Ben Lansdrop, co-founder of Mars One, in a statement. "We even had a couple of applicants submit their videos in the nude.”

The United States led all countries with 297 accepted applicants, while Canada and India followed with 75 and 62 applicants, respectively, according to ABC News. A total of 586 men and 472 women were also chosen, ABC News said.

In 2014 and 2015, the 1,058 applicants will go through a rigorous training selection process, which will drain the pool to 40 people, according to The Los Angeles Times. Those 40 will then begin their own training for the mission to Mars in groups of seven. “And if everything goes according to plan, at that time a global audience will vote on which team will go to Mars in 2025,” The LA Times reported.

Mars One will look for funding from “exclusive partnerships and sponsorships” and “an Indiegogo campaign,” The L.A. Times reported. SingularityHub.com reported that Mars One recently secured a partnership with Lockheed Martin, a research and design company for advanced technology.

Source: ktar.com

Source: http://www.wavuti.com/4/post/2014/01/1058-people-selected-for-potential-move-to-mars-and-they-wont-be-coming-back.html#ixzz2qDHiYAS6

Jumanne, 7 Januari 2014

Certificates CLASS of 2013 UDOM

Be informed that Certificates & Transcripts for all those who graduated on 22nd & 23rd November 2013 can now be collected from the following places:
·   Transcripts will be collected from your respective School
·   Certificates will be collected from the Admission Office- Central Administration Block, from Wednesday 8th January, 2014, 10. am – 4pm Mondays – Fridays.
Transcripts and Certificates shall be issued in person once a graduand has submitted the following documents to his/her respective Dean of School.
1.    A valid Photo identity Card e.g. Employers ID/ Passport/Vote Registration Card/Bank Card or New Driver License.
2.    Bank payment slip for Tsh. 15,000 Transcript fee and additional of Tshs 5,000 for each certified true copy (if needed) as per Senate directive. Payment should be made in the respective College Bank Account Number as hereunder:-
-          College of Education : CRDB Bank Account No. 0150221566700
-          College of Humanities and Social Sciences : CRDB Bank Account No. 0150221565800
-          College of Informatics and Virtual Education : CRDB Bank Account No. 015022165700
-          College of Mathematics and natural Sciences : CRDB Bank Account No. 015221567000
-          College of Health Sciences : CRDB Bank Account No. 0150221567500
-          College of Earth Sciences: CRDB Bank Account No. 0150221566100
3.    Two copies of Student Financial Clearance form for scrutiny and verification by the office of the Dean of School.
4.    Two copies of Students Clearance form for scrutiny and verification by the office of the Dean of School.
5.    For the Collection of the Academic Certificate, a set of the two clearance forms, signed and stamped by the Dean of School shall be required together with a valid photo identity.

Jumatano, 1 Januari 2014

Alhamisi, 26 Desemba 2013

Do you remember Meshack from Iringa?

Makala ya Meshack Maganga, Iringa

Ndugu zangu, tunapoelekea kuaga mwaka huu wa 2013 na kuukaribisha mwaka mpya wa 2014, nimepata muda wa kukaa na kumshukuru Mungu kwa yote aliyonitendea, ninamshukuru Mungu pia kwa kupata marafiki wapya kupitia mitandao ya kijamii na pia kupitia mtandao huu wa WAVUTI. Kuna walionipigia simu na kuniandika barua pepe na kuna walionitembelea nyumbani Iringa kujifunza Kilimo cha Mboga na kile cha miti. Ninawashukuru sana wote. Karibuni tena na ninawatakia mafanikio mema kwa mwaka ujao.

Mwaka ujao wa 2014 Usikubali watu wenye mtazamo hasi, watu wanao haribu majina ya wenzao, wenye viburi, watu wasiokuwa na shukrani kwa wenzao ama kwa serkali, ama ajira inayo kupotezea muda bila kutimiza malengo yako iendelee kukupotezea muda wako na kukuumiza kisaikolojia na kurudisha nyuma ndoto yako...  Jilinde, Jipende. “Don't die a copy.”

Mwaka huu ujao, Jitengeneze kiasi ambacho utapendwa na kuzungukwa na watu watakaokusaidia kuyafikia uyatakayo (Malengo yako ama ndoto ya maisha yako)  na wafanye wafurahi kuwa na wewe. Wanaweza kuwa wateja wako, marafiki 
zako, waajiri wako, wafanyakazi wako,wasaidizi wako,nduguzako, wajasiriamali wenzako. wafanyabiashara wenzako mahali popote ulipo.

Fanya mambo ambayo yatawafanya wajue kuwa bila wewe yasingetokea. Uwezekano huo upo kwasababu wapo wengine wanafanya hivyo na tunawaona na kuwasikia. Mwimbaji mmoja wa nyimbo za njili wa hapa Tanzania ameimba kwa kusema ‘ katika yale yale yanayowatoa roho watu ndiyo hayohayo wengine wanafanikiwa.’

Hakikisha kuwa unatumia muda wako vizuri. Ishi maisha kwa manufaa usipoteze muda duniani. Muda ndio maisha yako ya kuishi duniani, wengine wanaendelea amka na wewe ufanye kitu.

Jifunze na fanya mambo mapya kila siku ambayo hujawahi fanya hata kama ni mapya duniano.Kumbuka kuwa dunia hii itabaki kuwa na mapungufu siku zote kama hutafanya cha kwako cha kipekee ulichonacho. Jisukume kwenda mbele na kuwa huru kuishi kimanufaa. Na jifunze kutafuta uwezekano katika kila kitu kwani kila kitu kinawezekana kwa atakayetafuta njia ya uwezekano. Fursa zipo Tanzania na hakuna nchi yenye fursa za kufanikiwa kama Tanzania amua kufumbua macho uzione, zipo hata ukibisha zipo. Moyo wako, akili yako na mwili wako vikubali na kupenda kitu hicho hutachoka kufanya Na lazima utasababisha kitu.

Na kwa kipindi cha mwaka huu ujao, acha kuwanyooshea vidole wengine wewe fanya kwa nafasi yako na kwa muda wako kwa kuwa msaada kwa wengine. KUMBUKA Tanzania inarudishwa nyuma na watanzania wanaowanyooshea wengine vidole wakati wao hawajafanya kitu chochote. Kuwa ‘role model’ na ‘mentor’ wa watu. Jitolee ikibidi.

Ukifanya hayo lazima dunia itageukia upande wako.Na ukumbuke kuwa ipo nafasi duniani kwa binadamu atakayeamua kujitengenezea nafasi yake. Kumbuka kuwa Tanzania haiwezi kutambulika bila wewe,haiwezi kuheshimika bila wewe na heshima ya Tanzania inaanza na wewe kimafanikio,kitabia,kiutamaduni, kielimu, kibiashara  na kimtazamo.  Jifunze kusema kuwa Tanzania ni yako na bila wewe Tanzania haiwezi kuitwa Tanzania.

Ninawatakiwa mafanikio mema kwa kwa mwaka huu ujao wa 2014, tufanye kazi, tuanzishe miradi, tununue mashamba ama viwanja, tuwe wapya, tuache lawama, AMUA KUFANIKIWA 2014.

meshackmaganga@gmail.com 0713 48 66 36/ 0767 48 66 36.

Source: http://www.wavuti.com/4/post/2013/12/meshack-mwaka-2014-amua-kufanikiwa-jilinde-jipende-dont-die-a-copy.html#ixzz2odiaYRud

Jumatano, 18 Desemba 2013

Seven ways to make life simple

Marc and I received over 700 replies to our previous two 'subscribers only' emails on simplicity. 
So many people told us about the specific complications they're struggling with and requested more simplicity tips.  
So... three times is a charm - our final installment of simplicity advice for the year ahead:

7 Ways to Make Life Simple Again:

A simple life has a different meaning and a different value for every person. 
For me, it means getting rid of some of life’s complexities so you can spend more time with people you love 
and do more of the things you love.  It means getting rid of the clutter, and eliminating all but the essential,
so you are left with only that which gives you value.

For the cynics who might say that the list of ideas below (along with the ideas from our previous emails) is too long to be ‘simple,’ 
there are really only two steps to simplifying:

1. Identify what’s most important to you.
2. Eliminate as much as you possibly can of everything else.

Of course, that advice is not terribly useful unless you can see some examples of how to apply this concept to different
areas of your life; so I present to you…

3.  Learn to let GO of what wasn't meant to be.

Letting go is part of moving on to something better.  
You will not get what you truly deserve if you’re too attached to the things you’re supposed to let go of.  
Sometimes you love, and you struggle, and you learn, and you move on.  And that’s OK.  
You must be willing to let go of the life you planned for so you can enjoy the life that is waiting for you. 
(from the “Simplicity” chapter of our book)

4.  Stop wishing your life away.

The truth is, your whole life has been leading up to this moment.  Think about that for a second.  
Every single thing you’ve gone through in life, every high, every low, and everything in between, has led you to this moment right now.  
This moment is priceless, and it’s the only moment guaranteed to you.  This moment is your ‘life.’  
Don’t miss it. (from the “Goals and Success” chapter of our book)

5.  Start making moves.

Sometimes we ask questions not to seek answers but to affirm something our soul knows already.  
You’re not doing yourself a favor by merely hearing the same answer from people over and over again.  
It is accepting the truth, making a conscious change and finally moving on to other things that is your answer.  
Give your soul a chance to explore the life you are meant to live. 
 Stop asking the same questions – at some point you have to make a decision and take action. 
(from the “Productivity” chapter of our book)

6.  Look for the silver lining in every tough situation.

When things are hard, and you feel down, take a few deep breaths and look for the silver lining – the small glimmers of hope.  
Remind yourself that you can and will grow stronger from these hard times.  
And remain conscious of your blessings and victories – all the things in your life that are right.  
Focus on what you have, not on what you haven’t. (from the “Adversity” chapter of our book)

7.  Spend more time with the right people.

These are the people you enjoy, who love and appreciate you, and who encourage you to improve in healthy and exciting ways.  
They are the ones who make you feel more alive, and not only embrace who you are now, 
but also embrace and embody who you want to be, unconditionally. (from the “Relationships” chapter of our book)

And again, please remember that if you're struggling with any of these points, there is a clear path to getting back on track.  
Your habits are simply broken and need to be repaired.  When you trust a broken set of habits every day, 
it's only a matter of time before life gets confusing and complicated.  It doesn't have to be this way though.  
You can make adjustments starting today that will instantly help you feel better, think more clearly, and live more effectively.

As Always,

Angel Chernoff
Marc and Angel Hack Life
Practical Tips for Productive Living

Source: http://www.wavuti.com/4/post/2013/12/tips-bymarc-angel-seven-ways-to-help-you-make-life-simple-again.html#ixzz2nsxdqYKy