Jumanne, 3 Septemba 2013

Don't ask the following qns when interviewed......

Just wanted to share this with you today incase you have an interview coming up and I don't want to see you put your foot in your mouth. 

Candidates who ask these questions don't remain candidates for long. 
Unfortunately, job seekers continue to ask dumb questions every day. These questions demonstrate poor judgment and effectively ensure their rejection. 

It's hard to generalize about such stunningly bad interview questions, but they all are "me" questions. These are questions that appear to put your needs before those of the employer. The best interview questions focus on what the applicant can do for the company, not what the company can do for applicant. 

This is a big mistake and applicants make it all the time. You need to remain focused on what you can do for them, not what they can do for you. 

Here's five real bad questions you might be tempted to ask, but don't. 

What you ask: Is job-sharing a possibility? 
What they think: Possibly, but does this mean you can't give us a commitment for full-time work? 

What you ask: Can you tell me whether you have considered the incredible benefits of telecommuting for this position? 
What they think: Why do you want to get out of the office before you have even seen it? 

What you ask: I understand that employee paychecks are electronically deposited. Can I get my paycheck in the old-fashioned way? 
What they think: You are already asking for exceptions. What's next? And are you afraid of technology? 

What you ask: I won't have to work for someone with less education than I have, will I? 
What they think: You clearly have a chip on your shoulder. Why should we take a chance that you don't have other interpersonal issues? 

What you ask: The job description mentions weekend work. Are you serious? 
What they think: We're serious about the job description. We're suddenly less serious about you. 

I know some of these questions seem a little exaggerated, and I'm sure you would never ask them as they are, but pay special attention to the root of the question and make sure you steer clear of ever coming close to asking these questions. 

For a good list of questions to ask interviewers, look to the Complete Interview Answer Guide

It will help you think of relevant questions to ask your interviewer. You never want to go into an interview with a random list of questions - you want to ask meaningful and insightful questions. Questions that you actually want to know the answer to and that will help you make a decision if this company is right for you. 

Not only does the Complete Interview Answer Guide show you possible questions to ask, but is also teaches you how to answer any interview question. 


-Don to Samson

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni