Today’s topic is just to help you feel better if you've ever had an interview and didn’t get the job.
We all work hard in preparing for a job interview. We research the company, we practice answering interview questions, we tweak our resume, etc. The list of things we do is endless. And after all those countless hours of preparation we find out after a couple of weeks that we didn’t get the job.
Sometimes it’s very difficult to understand the reason why. We knew we were right for the job and they seemed to like us. Everything fit, but for some unknown reason they chose someone else.
This story happens more often than not to countless job seekers. If it happened to you, don’t feel bad, just treat it as a learning experience and move on.
Sending a letter to the hiring manager and asking what it was about you they didn’t like seems like a good idea, doesn’t it? It’s a very genuine request and if they shared with you the answer, that might help you in future job interviews, right?
But the reality is a cold shoulder and you’re likely to feel even worse after sending a letter only to never hear back from them again.
It’s very unlikely that an employer will share with you the reason(s) they did not choose to hire you. They probably won’t even respond to you at all.
You see, companies can be held liable for what they say to you, so that’s why they keep their response to the standard “we found another candidate to be a closer match for this position.”
They’ll never really tell you why, in fact, they probably liked you – they just liked this other candidate a little better.
They’ll never really tell you why, in fact, they probably liked you – they just liked this other candidate a little better.
If this has happened to you, rest assured you are not the only one. Keep your spirits high and keep interviewing until you find the place that is best for you.
Hakuna maoni:
Chapisha Maoni