I have a quick tip for you on handling situations where you don’t have a Bachelor’s Degree, but the job requires one. I was recently working with a client who was interviewing for a job that requires a Bachelor’s Degree, but she does not have one, even though she is way more qualified than everyone else who has the required degree. She was called in for the interview and wanted to know the best way to deal with the dreaded question when it comes up. Here’s what I told her: “For starters, don’t bring it up unless they do. After all they called you for the interview because you have the skills and experience they are looking for. If they ask you why you don’t have your BA, tell them whatever you want, but more importantly, try to find out what their concern or objection is and address it. And doing so will mitigate their objections so your lack of a BA is not a concern anymore. Generally, experience outweighs education, so if this were the case, then you would talk about your experience as it relates to the job and why you are much better equipped than someone who has a degree, but not the same experience as you.” Inside the Resume Masterpiece, I show you how to write your resume in a way that side-steps the whole BA issue.
It’s a pretty clever technique that I developed myself. You should give it a try if you find yourself in this situation.
Hakuna maoni:
Chapisha Maoni